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Migration ecology of Vermivora warblers

For my dissertation, I used light-level geolocators to track the movement of golden-winged warblers, blue-winged warblers, and their hybrids throughout the annual cycle to better understand factors that might be driving differential population trends between these species. I collected these data from 2013-2017 with the help of many collaborators and field technicians at 26 sites across eastern North America. This research has led to publications on the conservation implications of migratory connectivity, the genetic drivers of variation in migratory behavior, the description of a previously unknown facultative migratory behavior, with additional manuscripts forthcoming.

Gunnar, Cassie Ziegler, and Kate Maley deploying geolocators on Vermivora warblers in Ontario, Canada in 2015.


Toews, D.P.L., S.A. Taylor, H.M. Streby, G.R. Kramer, and I.J. Lovette. 2019. Selection on VPS13A linked to overwintering behavior in a songbird. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 116:18272-18274.

Streby, H.M., G.R. Kramer, S.M Peterson, J.A. Lehman, D.A. Buehler, and D.E. Andersen. 2018. Carefully interpreted light-level geolocator data can lead to the discovery of interesting animal behavior (Response to Lisovski et al.). Current Biology 28:R99-R100.

Kramer, G.R., D.E. Andersen, D.A. Buehler, P.B. Wood, S.M. Peterson, J.A. Lehman, K.R. Aldinger, L.P. Bulluck, S. Harding, J.A. Jones, J.P. Loegering, C. Smalling, R. Vallender, and H.M. Streby. 2018. Population trends in Nearctic-Neotropical migrant warblers linked to strong migratory connectivity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 115:E3192-E3200.

Kramer, G.R., H.M. Streby, S.M. Peterson, J.A. Lehman, D.A. Buehler, P.B. Wood, D.J. McNeil, J.L. Larkin, D.E. Andersen. 2017. Nonbreeding isolation and population specific migration patterns among three populations of Golden-winged Warblers. The Condor: Ornithological Applications 119:108-121.

Streby, H.M., G.R. Kramer, S.M. Peterson, J.A. Lehman, D.A. Buehler, and D.E. Andersen. 2015. Tornadic storm avoidance behavior in breeding songbirds. Current Biology 28:98-102.

Streby, H.M., T.L. McAllister, S.M. Peterson, G.R. Kramer, J.A. Lehman, and D.E. Andersen. 2015 Minimizing marker mass and handling time when attaching radio transmitters and geolocators to small songbirds. The Condor: Ornithological Applications 117: 249-255.

Peterson, S.M., H.M. Streby, G.R. Kramer, J.A. Lehman, D.A. Buehler, and D.E. Andersen. 2015. Geolocators on a Golden-winged Warblers do not affect migratory ecology.  The Condor: Ornithological Applications 117: 256-261.

Project PIs: Henry Streby, University of Toledo; David Andersen, USGS, Minnesota Co-op Unit; David Buehler, University of Tennessee – Knoxville; Petra Wood, USGS, West Virginia Co-op Unit

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